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WiFi in a New Home

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If you're the type of person who does things right the first time, you'll want to make sure the WiFi signal is great in every room of your new home...

Building a new home is an exciting time!


It's a big commitment for your family.


There are a lot of things to choose - 






Amongst all the excitement and anticipation of building a new home, you may overlook a few things, that may not get noticed until you move in.


One of those things is - The WiFi ..!


Yes, it's a boring topic.


It's not as exciting as choosing your doors, floors, benchtops, and all the rest.


But if you don't get this part right, your WiFi may not reach down to the far rooms in the home.


Think about the home you're living in now. What room is the Modem in ?


Are you happy with it in that room?


Is it central to the home?


Is it in a nice place, or do you wish it was in a different room.. ?


Take out your new house plan, and have a think where the Modem will sit.


Is it central to the home..? Is it going to be out of sight..?


At that location, does it say "Data Point". Or even better, does it say "Double Data"..?


If not, you may need a "Data Cable Consultation" from an experienced Installer.


Contact us on Socials to arrange a consultation.


FREE guide to New Home Cabling - avoid the mistakes over 80% of new home buyers make

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